CannedWater4Kids (CW4K) Partners with Water4 to Bring Safe Water to Children
CannedWater4Kids (CW4K) and Water4 are partnering to bring safe, sustainable water services to kids across Africa. These organizations are leveraging local businesses so that kids can lead healthier, more productive lives by having more time to play, learn and grow.
CW4K promotes entrepreneurship by funding water programs in Africa, such as those designed and implemented by Water4. The partnership combines their shared interests in packaging, marketing, and branding water – in the U.S. and Africa – to give kids more opportunities to thrive.
Water4 & CannedWater4Kids have come together to support Access Water4 Zambia as they provide safe water to schools. This project enabled the rehabilitation of two boreholes at the Kanshanka Special School, the installation of two piped water connections at the Mulishi and Chishi Schools, and will provide partial funding for a piped water system which will serve one school and the surrounding community.

“CW4K emerged in 2008. Twelve years later, as I view the world, I think of my children and grandchildren, who are all happy and healthy. It saddens me to think that many children across the globe still do not have life’s basics – like clean, safe water – to live. We are proud to be working together with to help make a difference.” — Greg Stromberg, Founder & CEO, CannedWater4kids.
“Water4 is committed to ending the global water crisis through sustainable solutions, and we are proud to partner with forward thinking organizations like CannedWater4Kids. We work for a world where every home, school, and clinic has access to safe water, always. If we can envision mankind on Mars, we can end the water crisis.” –Matt Hangen, President & CEO, Water4
Despite millions invested by governments and NGOs to deliver basic water services across rural Africa, up to 40% of rural handpumps are no longer functional just a few years after commissioning.
The partnership between CW4K and Water4 utilizes the Water4 business approach to delivering water services putting operations and maintenance into the hands of trained, skilled, operators who create jobs and boost the local economy. Water4’s local enterprise partner – Access Water4 Zambia – has transformed itself from a manually drilling company into a professional private enterprise providing piped water, fabrication and installation of pumps, water for irrigation, and maintenance expertise.
CannedWater4Kids solves global water challenges through their innovative canned water business built to support groundwater project work that directly improves the lives of the most vulnerable children. CannedWater4Kids staff is personally and professionally committed to developing practical solutions and to using innovation to drive change.
About CannedWater4Kids
CannedWater4Kids (cW4k) is a 501c3 charity based in Sussex, WI. The organization’s purpose is to ensure all children have access to sustainable, clean, safe drinking water. cW4k funds its initiatives with cash donations, grants, and through the North American sales of their premium drinking water in aluminum cans and bottles. Ninety-five cents of every water sale goes to support, fund, and deliver clean water programs. Projects include assisting the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee’s Engineers Without Borders in bringing sustainable water purification solutions to the highlands of Guatemala, and support for well/water tank and Bio Sand Filter projects in Zambia, Kenya, and Tanzania, Africa. Recent disaster and hurricane –relief efforts include the sending of truckloads of canned drinking water to Michigan, Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. To learn more, visit
About Water4
Since 2008, Water4 has impacted the lives of over 1.6 million people in more than 30 countries through the power of safe and Living water. Water4 has completed 6,500 water projects through business-building sustainable solutions. Read about Water4’s mission around the world at