CannedWater4Kids proudly supports UW Milwaukee Engineers Without Borders 2022 Run4Water Milwaukee.

The in-person event takes place on the beautiful Milwaukee lakefront in Veterans Park. All proceeds from the event go to the UW-Milwaukee chapter of Engineers Without Borders to build projects in rural Guatemala, bringing potable water to communities that lack access to it.
CW4K is proud to sponsor and support UW Milwaukee Engineers Without Borders and their humanitarian water projects in Guatemala.About CannedWater4kids
CannedWater4Kids (cW4k) is a 501(c)(3) charity based in Sussex, WI. The organization’s purpose is to ensure all children have access to sustainable, clean, safe drinking water. cW4k funds its initiatives with cash donations, grants, and through the North American sales of their premium drinking water in aluminum cans and bottles. Ninety-five cents of every dollar collected goes to support, fund, and deliver clean water programs.
Projects include assisting the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee’s Engineers Without Borders in bringing sustainable water purification solutions to the highlands of Guatemala, and support for well/water tank and Bio Sand Filter projects in Zambia, Kenya, and Tanzania, Africa. Recent disaster and hurricane -relief efforts include the sending of truckloads of canned drinking water to Michigan, Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. To learn more, visit
About EWB at UWM
Engineers Without Borders at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee (EWB@UWM) is a student chapter of the national Engineers Without Borders 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Since 2007, EWB@UWM has worked on water projects in the Ixil Triangle of Northwest Guatemala. Projects involve collaboration between local Guatemalan NGO ACCMARI, residents of each village, the municipal government, EWB@UWM, UWM Peace-building personnel and funders. Each of these groups plays a vital role in the assessment and construction of the project. Visit